FOCAS Research Institute

The Biophotonics and Imaging group at the Dublin Institute of Technology comprises researchers from the FOCAS Research Institute, DIT Centre for Radiation and Environmental Science (RESC), Nanolab Research Centre and the School of Physics.

The FOCAS Research Institute houses an unrivalled suite of instrumentation for spectroscopic (UV to far IR) characterisation and imaging (Raman, FTIR) and optical (Confocal fluorescence), scanning probe (AFM, conductive AFM) and electron microscopy (SEM, WDX, EDX, variable pressure/cryo SEM, TEM).

Both the RESC and Nanolab have excellent facilities for cell and tissue culture, tissue processing (sectioning, dewaxing etc) and molecular and cellular assays.

Our research focuses on the use of Raman and FTIR spectroscopy for clinical applications such as cancer screening and diagnosis. We also use these techniques to identify novel biomarkers of cellular response to, for example, radiation, chemotherapeutic drugs, nanomaterials etc. Of relevance to Raman4Clinics, we are working on cytopathology and histopathology applications in the area of cervical, oral, breast and oesophageal cancer and on clinical applications with body fluids such as blood serum / plasma and saliva. We have collaborations with Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, NUI Maynooth, the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital, Altnagelvin Hospital the Dublin Dental School and Hospital, St Luke’s Hospital and St James’ Hospital.

Prof Hugh J. Byrne is International Members Lead for the UK ESPRC Network CLIRSPEC and one of the Founding Directors of the International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy.

Prof Fiona Lyng is a member of the Raman4Clinics Management Committee and leader of Working Group 3 Cytopathology of single cells for cancer cell monitoring

Dr. Aidan Meade is Chair of the Irish Radiation Research Society and a member of Raman4Clinics Working Group 3 and 4. His research and teaching interests are in spectroscopic imaging and data mining methods for cytological and histopathological applications in cancer diagnostics and therapy.

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