The workshop aims to create a platform to stimulate discussion and to strengthen cooperation, in particular with international scientists, and also to allow an active exchange between theory and practice.
This meeting mainly of Working Group 2 of COST Action Raman4Clinics will be organized as a collaboration between the Jena-based research campus InfectoGnostics, a public-private partnership for the development of tailored solutions for quick, on-site analysis (point-of-care testing, POCT) in the diagnostics of infections and the international project MYCONET² which focuses on detecting drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis with low-cost next generation technology. Furthermore, members of the COST Action TD1305 Improved Protection of Medical Devices Against Infection (IPROMEDAI) will be invited to report on standardization initiatives in medical device associated infections.
The Preliminary Programm could be downloaded under “Publications”.