The Raman spectroscopy unit at the University of Trieste has a broad expertise in the application of optical spectroscopy (Raman, IR and photoluminescence) to both inorganic and biological samples. Historically the group had a long involvement in the spectroscopic characterization of materials, mostly ceramic/inorganic materials, for both functional and structural applications, such as ceramic prostheses. In this area the group has been one of the leading research unit of the world in “piezo-spectroscopy”, that is the determination of strain/stress by spectroscopic means.
Since 2006, the group’s research activity has been primarily focused on clinical applications of Raman spectroscopy, “chemical imaging” of cells and tissues, being the first team in Italy to work on medical diagnosis based on Raman imaging of cells and tissues. More recently a strong effort is dedicated to the screening of diagnosis of several diseases and to therapeutic drug monitoring in oncology by means of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of biofluids coupled with nanotechnology and to therapeutic drug monitoring in oncology.
The unit, constituted by chemists, engineers and biologists, has a Raman spectroscopy/imaging laboratory, consisting of a Reshishaw InVia Raman microscope, equipped with several lasers for excitation spanning from violet to near-infrared, as well as a portable Raman systems for measurements in clinical settings and a computer-controlled microscope stage, all mounted on a anti-vibration optical table. Multivariate statistical capabilities analysis of spectral analysis data has also been pursued and one of the most widely used software for spectral imaging (hyperspec) has been conceived and initially developed here.
The responsibles of the Raman laboratory group at the University of Trieste is led and managed by Valter Sergo ( and Alois Bonifacio (