Recently, researchers of Raman4Clinics successfully published about their research projects in a topical collection of Analytical and Bioanalytical chemistry (2014 Impact Factor: 3.436). The collection comprises eleven articles representing our five Working Groups – (1) therapeutic monitoring of anti-tumoral drugs and antibiotics in body fluids, (2) diagnosis of infectious diseases by detection of microbial pathogens, (3) cytopathology of single cells for cancer cell monitoring, (4) histopathology of cells and tissue sections and biopsies from cancerous and noncancerous pathologies and, last but not least, (5) fiber optic endoscopy for in vivo assessment of cancer and atherosclerosis. All articles can be found here:
The common objectives of the European COST Action Raman4Clincs are a strong collaboration between established research clusters of scientists within biophotonics and physicians/clinicians and the advancement of the conversion of scientific findings into clinically relevant, practicable and economically feasible diagnostic methods and systems based on Raman spectroscopy.